Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution

Seminar Location

Haller-Auditorium 248, Geologie, Baltzerstrasse 1

Seminar Schedule

Tuesday, 16:15


Spring Semester 2025
Date Speaker Title
18.02.2025 Dr. Gabriel Jorgewich Cohen, Universität Zürich What can reptiles say about the evolution of language? The importance of non-model species on broad evolutionary studies
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank
25.02.2025 Prof. Dr. Rike Stelkens, Stockholm University Yeast as a model system for the evolution of thermal adaptation and ecology-driven reproductive isolation
Organiser: IEE junior staff (L. Hablützel)
04.03.2025 Prof. Dr. Tim Hofmeester, SLU, Umeå, Sweden From wildlife management questions to fundamental science: the value of by-catch data
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
11.03.2025 Dr. Kyriacos Kareklas, Gulbenkian institute When plasticity kicks in: from preserved neuromodulators to socio-behavioural decisions
Organiser: IEE junior staff (Dr. D. Antunes)
18.03.2025 Dr. Mordecai Ogada, Conservation Solutions Africa & Colorado State University Philosophical Challenges to Academia’s Leadership in Global Sustainability
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
25.03.2025 Prof. Dr. Pleuni Pennings, San Francisco State University Why are not all E coli resistant to antibiotics?
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank
01.04.2025 Dr. Manuela Sann, NMBE Insights into Hymenoptera: Evolutionary History, Ecology, and Genomics
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. P. Thakur
08.04.2025 Dr. Babatunde Adekele, The WildTrust and Geneva Graduate Institute Sustainable Finance Mechanisms for Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Advancing Protected Area Management
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Owuor
15.04.2025 Dr. Tom Ratz, University of Zürich The Role of Behavioural Plasticity in Social Interactions
Organiser: Prof. Dr. E. Ringler
29.04.2025 Dr. Conor Waldock, IEE Biogeographical patterns and processes underlying ecological sensitivity
Organiser: IEE junior staff (Dr. A. Mahulu)
06.05.2025 Prof. Dr. Mark Kirkpatrick, University of Texas The Genomic War Between the Sexes
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
13.05.2025 Dr. Alexa Sadier, Universite de Montpellier
Organiser: Prof. Dr. A.-C. Fabre
20.05.2025 Prof. Dr. Yagmur Erten, University of Groningen An integrative approach to studying life history evolution, cancer, and senescence
Organiser: Prof. Dr. X. Li Richter
27.05.2025 Exam


The semester exam (open-book, 45 minutes, no laptops) of this lecture series covers the lectures given in this semester. At the exam you will receive three themes corresponding to three talks given in this semester and you will be asked to choose one.

State for this selected theme the three results or statements that you judge as being most important.
You are encouraged to supplement your explanation by graphs or tables, if appropriate, and to describe and value the applied methodology. Critique would be welcome, if you were not entirely happy with methods or interpretation.

Most importantly, you should justify your judgements with arguments – this is what will be evaluated by the examiners, not your selection of what you found most important. Please discuss only issues that were presented in the respective talks, and not related issues that you know from other sources. Please be concise and aim to condense your text to one page.