Healthy IEE


The ombudspersons are independent and neutral sources of help and advice, who can mediate in conflicts between employees, colleagues and their superiors. The ombudspersons are bound to observe confidentiality; conflicts are treated confidentially. The Institute Director serves as the official ombudsperson of the IEE, but anyone who feels unfairly treated or hurt concerning IEE matters can turn to any of the appropriate ombudspersons listed below:

Postdocs and PhD students

Ian Ausprey

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Division of Conservation Biology where I study the ecology and conservation of birds. I am happy to talk with students, postdocs, and other members of the University staff about any challenges they may be facing during their time at Uni Bern. I believe strongly in empathetic listening and will provide a safe space where your concerns or questions can be heard with respect, compassion, and dignity. I am originally from the USA and have lived and worked among many different cultures across four continents. I speak English and Spanish and have basic training in conflict mediation.

Ana-Hermina Ghenu

I'm a junior postdoc studying soil microbes in the Terrestrial Ecology Division. Academic research can be tough for many reasons: from the daily stress of uncertainty, to navigating conflicts and high expectations, to adapting to new cultural environments. As someone who is neurodivergent, queer, and an immigrant, I understand the many unique struggles that arise and I believe that sharing them can lighten the load. I'm committed to providing a confidential and compassionate ear to all those in need (especially students). If you're feeling overwhelmed, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or other resources on this page.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The IEE strives to be a respectful, inclusive, and discrimination-free environment. We do not tolerate racism in any form. The University of Bern offers resources and information about racism, as well as support for anyone who has experienced racism. These resources can be found here.

Where to report observed or experienced instances of racism and harassment

This is to let you know that there are new instruments in place for victims and observers to report instances of racism and harassment anonymously:

  1. The university has launched a website with info on the university’s current campaign against racism. It includes an email address to report and get help in instances of racism (non-anonymously, although your report will be kept confidential for as long as you like), and a link to a form (in several languages) to report anonymously:
  2. The city of Bern has an ongoing campaign in which you can report instances of any kind of harassment anywhere in town (as victim or observer):

Note that anonymous reports cannot be used to invoke actions against (named) harassers, and it does not allow the receivers of the reports to reach out to the victims to offer help. However, these reports may pinpoint hotspots and patterns that can then be followed up with targeted actions. Moreover, any sincere report contributes to highlighting that more work needs to be done to make everyone feel safe at this university and in this city.