All seminars at our institute (per week).


Spring & Autumn Semester 2025
Date Seminar Speakers Title Room
The current calendar week is 13
01.04.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. M. P. Thakur
Dr. Manuela Sann, NMBE Insights into Hymenoptera: Evolutionary History, Ecology, and Genomics Haller, 248
02.04.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Hannes Vomsattel (MSc proposal), University of Bern The influence of isolated stone and branch piles on stoats and weasels in agricultural landscapes Mu27, 116
02.04.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
paper presentation, University of Bern Paper: doi:10.1093/molbev/msz268 Stud, 235
02.04.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. Lily Twining
Prof. Dr. Robert Pringle, Princeton University, USA Megafauna and the maintenance of biodiversity Bal6, D110

further weeks scroll down


Other Weeks of Spring & Autumn Semester 2025
Date Seminar Speakers Title Room
Week 08
18.02.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Dr. Gabriel Jorgewich Cohen, Universität Zürich What can reptiles say about the evolution of language? The importance of non-model species on broad evolutionary studies Haller, 248
19.02.2025 Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
CB Stuff, University of Bern No seminar (CB meeting for CB members and prospective BSc students) Mu27, 116
19.02.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
Dr. Caio Graco Rodrigues Leandro Roza , University of Helsinki, FIN The role of functional traits in species turnover: Insights across scales online Bal6, D110
19.02.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Paper presentation, University of Berne The genetics of speciation in budding yeasts Stud, 235
Week 09
25.02.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
IEE junior staff (L. Hablützel)
Prof. Dr. Rike Stelkens, Stockholm University Yeast as a model system for the evolution of thermal adaptation and ecology-driven reproductive isolation Haller, 248
26.02.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Jasmine Ono, University of Nottingham The genetics of speciation in budding yeasts Stud, 235
26.02.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
Dr. Bárbara Calegari, University of Bern Decoding Neotropical Fish Diversity: insights from Auchenipteridae on Evolution and Biogeography Bal6, D110
26.02.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Pascal Pini (MSc proposal), University of Bern Effects of weather conditions on foraging strategies and diet in a highly aerial insectivorous bird, the Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) Mu27, 116
Week 10
04.03.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
Prof. Dr. Tim Hofmeester, SLU, Umeå, Sweden From wildlife management questions to fundamental science: the value of by-catch data Haller, 248
05.03.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank Stud, 235
05.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Michael Wyss (MSc proposal), University of Bern Midterm response of Orthoptera to active meadow restoration Mu27, 116
05.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Colin Guignet (MSc proposal), University of Bern Effect of passive restoration on soil microbiome in mountain grassland Mu27, 116
05.03.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
Prof. Xing Fang, Auburn University, USA Projections of climate impacts on water quality and fish habitats in lakes over the contiguous USA Bal6, D110
Week 11
11.03.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
IEE junior staff (Dr. D. Antunes)
Dr. Kyriacos Kareklas, Gulbenkian institute When plasticity kicks in: from preserved neuromodulators to socio-behavioural decisions Haller, 248
12.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Alice Ruffieux (MSc proposal), University of Bern Influence of seasonal food and snow cover variations on alpine bird movements Mu27, 116
12.03.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
Prof. Christian Román-Palacios, University of Arizona, USA Trophic dynamics, phylogenetics, and macroevolutionary patterns in aquatic animals: Case studies on freshwater fish and sea skaters online Bal6, D110
12.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Lauren Perry (MSc proposal), University of Bern Microclimate selection of alpine birds relative to temperature and predation risk Mu27, 116
12.03.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Karin Näsvall, Sanger Institute Chromosomal rearrangements in Ithomiini butterflies Stud, 235
Week 12
18.03.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
Dr. Mordecai Ogada, Conservation Solutions Africa & Colorado State University Philosophical Challenges to Academia’s Leadership in Global Sustainability Haller, 248
19.03.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Paper presentation, University of Berne Stud, 235
19.03.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Prof. Dr. Lily Twining
Dr. Matthew McCary, Rice University, USA Aquatic insects transform terrestrial ecosystems: lessons from subarctic Iceland online Bal6, D110
19.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Olivia Hartmann (MSc proposal), University of Bern Nesting Ecology of the Invasive Pond Slider (Trachemys scripta): Behaviour, Nest Site Selection and Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination Mu27, 116
Week 13
25.03.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Prof. Dr. Pleuni Pennings, San Francisco State University Why are not all E coli resistant to antibiotics? Haller, 248
26.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Janine Hunziker (MSc proposal), University of Bern TBA Mu27, 116
26.03.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Piyanun Harnpicharnchai , National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand Fungal communities useful for assessment of river biodiversity and water quality Stud, 235
26.03.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Conor Waldock
Trisha Gupta, University of Oxford, UK TBA Bal6, D110
26.03.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Susanne Quaderer (MSc proposal), University of Bern TBA Mu27, 116
Week 15
08.04.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. M. Owuor.
Dr. Babatunde Adekele, The WildTrust and Geneva Graduate Institute Sustainable Finance Mechanisms for Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Advancing Protected Area Management Haller, 248
09.04.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
SUB anniversary, University of Berne - Stud, 235
Week 16
15.04.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. E. Ringler
Dr. Tom Ratz, University of Zürich The Role of Behavioural Plasticity in Social Interactions Haller, 248
16.04.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
Luca Fuhrer (MSc proposal), University of Bern TBA Mu27, 116
16.04.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
Ben Evans, McMaster University Rapid evolution of genetic sex determination in frogs Stud, 235
16.04.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Pooja Singh
Dr. Himani Sachdeva , University of Vienna, Austria Polygenic barriers to gene flow between species: from models to inference Bal6, D110
Week 17
23.04.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. E. Ringler
Wouter Halfwerk, Amsterdam University - Stud, 235
Week 18
29.04.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
IEE junior staff (Dr. A. Mahulu)
Dr. Conor Waldock, University of Bern, IEE Biogeographical patterns and processes underlying ecological sensitivity Haller, 248
30.04.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. E. Ringler
paper presentations, University of Bern Stud, 235
30.04.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Alexus Roberts-Hugghis
Nicholas Peoples , UC Davies, USA Rethinking key innovations: how complex teeth shape the diversification of fishes online Bal6, D110
30.04.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
MSc final results mini-symposium, University of Bern TBA Mu27, 116
Week 19
06.05.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
Prof. Dr. Mark Kirkpatrick, University of Texas The Genomic War Between the Sexes Haller, 248
07.05.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. Barbara Taborsky
Tim Fawcett, Exeter University When morphology meets behaviour: theory and experiments inspired by the fiddler crab’s claw Stud, 235
07.05.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Luiz G.M. Silva, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Fish passages as a conservation tool for global freshwater migratory fish: a paradox? Bal6, D110
07.05.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz
BSc proposal presentations, University of Bern TBA Mu27, 116
Week 20
13.05.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. A.-C. Fabre
Dr. Alexa Sadier, Universite de Montpellier - Haller, 248
14.05.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Carlos Javier Melián Penate
Dr. Blanca Arroyo Correa , Biological Doñana Station, Spain A fA framework for integrating empirical intraspecific variation into community dynamics reveals persistence in mutualistic networks online Bal6, D110
14.05.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. Barbara Taborsky
Paper presentation, University of Berne Stud, 235
Week 21
20.05.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. X. Li Richter
Prof. Dr. Yagmur Erten, University of Groningen An integrative approach to studying life history evolution, cancer, and senescence Haller, 248
21.05.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. Barbara Taborsky
Susanne Zajitschek, Liverpool John Moores University Sleep, Sustenance, and Survival: Intergenerational Effects of Protein and Sleep Disruption in Drosophila Stud, 235
21.05.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Bernhard Wegscheider
Prof. Dr. Allen Curry , University of New Brunswick, Canada Tale of two dams: Pathway from options to renewal to removal Bal6, D110
Week 22
27.05.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Exam, University of Bern, IEE - Haller, 248
28.05.2025 Lecture Series in Behavioral, Theoretical, and Evolutionary Biology 
Prof. Dr. Barbara Taborsky
Paper presentation, University of Berne Stud, 235
28.05.2025, 14:00h Aquatic Ecology & Evolution 
Dr. Carlos Javier Melián Penate
PhD. Raíssa Fernandes , Federal University of Bahia, Brasil From dengue fever to Arctic ice: Using networks to model natural systems online Bal6, D110
Week 50
08.12.2025, 10:30h Conservation Biology 
M. Msoer
MM, Unibern Test Mu27, 116
09.12.2025, 16:15h Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution 
Prof. Dr. C. Bank
Ass. Prof. Dr. Nancy Chen, University of Rochester - Haller, 248
Week 51
Exam, University of Bern, IEE Haller, 248

If you have any questions, please contact: Executive Assistant - Susanne Holenstein