Past Speakers 2011

Spring Semester 2011
Date Speaker Title
22.02.2011 Dr. Carlos Melian,, Eawag CEEB, Department Fish Ecology & Evolution Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Hyperdiverse Communities in Neutral Networks
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
01.03.2011 Prof. Michael J. Benton,, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol Recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Güntert
08.03.2011 Dr. Michael Krützen,, Anthropological Institute & Museum, University of Zürich Phylogeographic patterns, behavioural variation and culture in extant orang-utans (genus: [i]Pongo[/i])
Organiser: PD. Dr. G. Heckel
15.03.2011 Prof. Etienne Danchin,, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Beyond DNA: integrating inclusive inheritance into the theory of evolution
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
22.03.2011 Prof. Nadia Aubin-Horth,, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada Behavioural and neuroendocrine correlates of boldness in a wild population
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
29.03.2011 Prof. Matthew Evans,, University of Exeter Swallow tail streamers: sex versus utility
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
05.04.2011 Dr. Chr. Scherber,, University of Goettingen, Effects of biodiversity on multitrophic interactions in terrestrial ecosystems
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
12.04.2011 PD Dr. Lukas Jenni,, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach Stress sensitivity and conservation biology
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
19.04.2011 Prof. Gary Mittelbach,, W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University Biodiversity gradients from the small to the large
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
03.05.2011 Prof. Hopi Hoekstra,, Harvard University, USA From mice to molecules: the genetic basis of adaptive change
Organiser: PD Dr. G. Heckel
10.05.2011 Dr. Thomas Kleinteich , Comparative Biomechanics Lab, Friday Harbor Laboratories San Juan Island, Washington, USA Anatomy, Function, and Performance of the head in caecilians and its role in amphibian evolution
Organiser: Dr. S. Hertwig, NMBE
17.05.2011 Prof. Jane Memmott, School of Biological Sciences Ecological Networks: form and function
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
24.05.2011 Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz 10 years conservation research at Unibe
31.05.2011 Exam -

Autumn Semester 2011
Date Speaker Title
20.09.2011 no seminar -
27.09.2011 no seminar -
04.10.2011 Prof. Michael Scherer-Lorentzen,, Universiy of Freiburg (D) The functional role of biodiversity in forests
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Fischer
11.10.2011 Dr. Arne Nolte,, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology Finding genes that count in a hybrid fish
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
18.10.2011 Prof. Will Cresswell,, University of St.Andrews, Scotland Behavioural management of predation risk
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
25.10.2011 Prof. Dr. M. Güntert,, NMBE valedictory lecture: Advances in understanding vertebrate phylogeny - a retrospect
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
01.11.2011 Dr. Irby Lovette,, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca N.Y. From Explosive Speciation to Community Structure: the Evolution and Ecology of Songbirds
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Güntert
08.11.2011 Prof. Jeff Jensen,, EPFL, Lausanne The population genetics of adaptation
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
15.11.2011 Prof. Jonathan Levine, , ETH Zurich The importance of niches for the maintenance of species diversity
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Fischer
22.11.2011 Prof. Stefan Richter,, University of Rostock The resurrection of Morphology
Organiser: Dr. S. Hertwig, NMBE
29.11.2011 Prof. Dr. Stefan Vidal,, Georg-August-University, Goettingen The invasive Western corn rootworm in Europe: Ecology, management and economics
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
06.12.2011 PD Dr. Martin Hasselmann,, University of Duesseldorf Insights into the evolution of the sex determining gene csd in honey bees
Organiser: PD Dr. G. Heckel
13.12.2011 Prof. Roger Arditi,, Agro-Paris-Tech How species interact
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
20.12.2011 Exam -