Past Speakers 2013

Spring Semester 2013
Date Speaker Title
19.02.2013 Volz-Preis Best MSc thesis: Julien Junker / Best PhD thesis: Michael Coslovsky
26.02.2013 Prof. John Heraty,, University of California, Riverside Chalcidoid Wasps and the Interface of Systematics and Biology
Organiser: PD Dr. C. Kropf, NMBE
05.03.2013 Prof. Hans Hofmann,, University of Texas, Austin Moving Beyond the Phenotypic Gambit: Themes and Variations in the Evolution of Behavioral Mechanisms
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
12.03.2013 Dr. Olin Silander, University of Basel The genetic mechanisms of functional innovation in bacteria
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
19.03.2013 Prof. Francois Balloux,, UCL London Serial samples, ancient samples and the reconstruction of past demography
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
26.03.2013 Prof. Henrik Moller,, University of Otago, New Zealand Partnership of academics and practitioners for more resilient social-ecological systems: experiences from New Zealand
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
09.04.2013 Dr. Jeremy Miller,, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands Cybertaxonomy and beyond: The hows and whys of integrating specimen research and Information technology
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
16.04.2013 Film Queen of the Sun
Organiser: Prof. Dr. P. Neumann
23.04.2013 Prof. Dr. Bart Kempenaers,, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany You snooze, you lose: selection on being active
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
30.04.2013 Prof. Jan-Ake Nilsson,, University of Lund, Sweden Trade-off between incubation effort and the need of the embryo
Organiser: Prof. Dr. H. Richner
07.05.2013 Prof. Lukas Keller,, UniZH Inbreeding in the wild
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
14.05.2013 Prof. Dr. Jan Bengtsson,, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Diversity and multifunctionality in ecosystems
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
28.05.2013 Dr Lluis Brotons,, Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab, Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya, Spain Predicting species distribution responses in Mediterranean dynamic landscape in a context of global change
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
28.05.2013 Exam -

Autumn Semester 2013
Date Speaker Title
17.09.2013 no seminar -
24.09.2013 Prof. Michael Traugott, University of Innsbruck Molecular trophic ecology: improving our understanding how species interact
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
01.10.2013 no seminar -
08.10.2013 Prof. Barbara Taborsky, IEE Ultimate and proximate causes of social competence in cooperative breeders
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
15.10.2013 Dr. Stephan Peischl, IEE Consequences of range expansion on functional genetic diversity
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
22.10.2013 Prof. Nelson Hairston, Cornell University Eco-evolutionary dynamics: when the rates of evolution and ecological change converge
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
29.10.2013 Prof. Teja Tscharntke, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
05.11.2013 Dr. Robert Bagchi, ETH Zurich Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Fischer
12.11.2013 Dr. Jochen Wolf, Uppsala University, Sweden Speciation Genomics - Unravelling the genetic architecture of the European Crow hybrid zone
Organiser: PD Dr. G. Heckel
19.11.2013 Dr. Rémy Bruggmann, Department Biology Bioinformatics developments in Berne and beyond
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
26.11.2013 Dr. Jasper van Ruijven, Wagningen University Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning: insights from a long-term experiment
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Fischer
03.12.2013 Prof. Dr. Skúli Skúlason, Hólar University College, Iceland The evolution of diversity: interplay of ecology, genetics and development
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
10.12.2013 Prof. Antoine Guisan, University of Lausanne Predicting species distribution for conservation decisions?
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
17.12.2013 Exam