Past Speakers 2017

Spring Semester 2017
Date Speaker Title
21.02.2017 Prof. Matthias Erb, IPS Secondary Metabolites as Determinants of Plant-Herbivore Interactions
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
28.02.2017 PD Dr. Jörg Romeis, Agroscope Assessing the environmental risk of insect-resistant transgenic plants
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
07.03.2017 Dr. Jeff Pettis, Institute of Bee Health, University of Bern Effects of climate change on pollinator health and survival
Organiser: Prof. Dr. P. Neumann
14.03.2017 Aoife McLysaght, Trinity College Dublin Dosage sensitive genes in evolution and disease
Organiser: IEE junior staff
21.03.2017 Prof. Catherine Graham , WSL Linking patterns and processes across scales: a case study with Neotropical Hummingbirds
Organiser: IEE junior staff
28.03.2017 Prof. Judith Mank, University College London The genetic causes and consequences of sexual selection
Organiser: IEE junior staff
04.04.2017 Prof. Patrizia d'Ettorre , Université Paris XIII Recognition of identity and cognitive abilities in ants
Organiser: IEE junior staff
11.04.2017 Dr. Ben Woodcock, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK Managing bees in agriculture: Providing pollination in a hostile environment
Organiser: IEE junior staff
25.04.2017 Prof. Regina Lindborg, Stockholm University Multifunctional landscapes - managing for biodiversity in semi-natural grassland systems
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
02.05.2017 Prof. Richard Durbin, Sanger Institute, Cambridge UK Inference of evolutionary history from whole genome sequences
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Laurent Excoffier
09.05.2017 Dr. Julian Glos, Universität Hamburg Loss of functional diversity in amphibians of Madagascar
Organiser: Dr. Stefan Hertwig
16.05.2017 Dr. Carole Smadja, Universität Montpellier Speciation as a question of smell and taste: genomics of reproductive isolation in mice and aphids
Organiser: IEE junior staff
23.05.2017 Dr. Colin Fontaine, Centre d’Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris Citizen science and the temporal dynamic of natural communities
Organiser: Prof. Dr. W. Nentwig
30.05.2017 Exam

Autumn Semester 2017
Date Speaker Title
19.09.2017 Prof. Shinichi Nakagawa, The University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia Meta-analyzing biological topics and beyond: ageing, obesity and why girls are not in STEM
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
26.09.2017 Dr. Mark Ravinet, University of Oslo How does introgression shape speciation?
Organiser: IEE junior staff
03.10.2017 Dr. Todd Katzner, Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, USA Ecological correlates of golden eagle flight behavior inform risk from wind energy development
Organiser: Prof. Dr. R. Arlettaz
10.10.2017 Prof. Eric Allan, IPS Multitrophic interactions and the effects of biodiversity change on ecosystem functioning
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky
17.10.2017 Dr. Anne-Nathalie Volkoff/Dr. Jean-Michel Drezen , INRA, Montpellier/Université FR, Tour Endogenous viruses used by parasitic wasps to deliver virulence molecules to their hosts
Organiser: PD Dr. S. Klopfstein
24.10.2017 Prof. Deborah Charlesworth, University of Edinburgh Studying the evolution of the young sex chromosome of the guppy
Organiser: IEE junior staff
31.10.2017 Prof. Chris Jiggins, Cambridge University Hybridisation promotes diversity in tropical butterflies
Organiser: IEE junior staff
07.11.2017 Prof. John Baines, University of Kiel The role of host genetics in shaping the diversity of mammalian host-associated microbiota
Organiser: Prof. Dr. G. Heckel
14.11.2017 Prof. Benjamin Prud'homme, IBDM - Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille Evolution of pigmentation patterns and reproductive behaviors in Drosophila species
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
21.11.2017 Prof. Rudolf Meier, National University of Singapore From NGS barcodes to water eDNA: How new sequencing technologies will help with biodiversity discovery and monitoring at unprecedented scales
Organiser: Hannes Baur
28.11.2017 Prof. Alexandre Buttler, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Impact of climate change on mountain ecosystems in the Swiss Jura
Organiser: IEE junior staff
05.12.2017 Prof. Jane Stout, Trinity College Dublin Direct interactions between invasive plants and native pollinators
Organiser: IEE junior staff
12.12.2017 Prof. Anna Qvarnström , Uppsala University in Sweden Speciation - What can be learned from a flycatcher hybrid zone?
Organiser: IEE junior staff
19.12.2017 Exam