Past Speakers 2024


Spring Semester 2024
Date Speaker Title
20.02.2024 Prof. Aurora Ruiz-Herrara, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Evolving chromatin - functional and evolutionary implications of 3D genome dynamics
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
27.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Njal Rollinson, University of Toronto Responses of ectothermic vertebrates to climate change inferred from decades of individual-based monitoring
Organiser: IEE junior staff (Dr. I. Ausprey)
05.03.2024 Prof. Eva Fischer, University of Illinois Individual variation and flexibility in poison frog parental care
Organiser: Prof. Dr. E. Ringler
12.03.2024 Dr. Anthony Herrel, French CNRS, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle The evolution of island phenotypes: results from an experimental introduction experiment
Organiser: Prof. Dr. A.-C. Fabre
19.03.2024 Prof. Eline Lorenzen, Globe Institute (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Arctic marine mammals in a post-Arctic world - integrating biomolecular insights from the past and present inform the future
Organiser: IEE junior staff (F. Schlichta)
26.03.2024 Dr. Andrin Gross, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Studying fungal diversity in Switzerland: tackling obstacles and pioneering new avenues
Organiser: IEE junior staff (N. Tartini)
09.04.2024 Dr. Alexus Roberts, University of California Davies & Aquatic Ecology & Evolution, University of Bern Evolutionary Impacts of Morphological Innovations on the Fish Feeding System
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
16.04.2024 Dr. Liang Li, University of Konstanz Schooling fish: from biology to robotics and back
Organiser: Prof. Dr. X. Li Richter
23.04.2024 Prof. Dr. Jeff Harvey, Vrije University, Amsterdam None like it hot - most like it warm: behavioral and developmental effects of temperature extremes on spiders and other arthropods
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. P. Thakur
30.04.2024 Dr. Vassilios Ioannidis, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics FAIR Data: Exploring the Why, What, and How
Organiser: Prof. Dr. L. Excoffier
07.05.2024 Dr Joseph Maina, Macquarie University, Australia Tackling the three planetary crisis pollution, climate and biodiversity: An Interdisciplinary approach ***Zoom Presentation only***
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Owuor
14.05.2024 Prof. Frank Rheindt, National University of Singapur The build-up and loss of genetic diversity in Southeast Asian biota
Organiser: Dr. M. Schweizer (NMBE)
21.05.2024 Prof. Meike Wittmann, Universität Bielefeld Modelling the consequences of intraspecific trait variation and individual-environment interactions for population dynamics in a changing environment
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank
28.05.2024 Exam


Autumn Semester 2024
Date Speaker Title
17.09.2024 Dr. Franziska Komossa, University of Zurich Landscape, Perception & (Multi-) functionality: navigating tradeoffs in human-environment interactions
Organiser: Prof. Dr. M. Owuor
24.09.2024 Prof. Dr. Eva Ringler, University Bern, IEE What amphibians and reptiles can teach us about the evolution of parental care
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank, Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
01.10.2024 Dr. Florence Bansept, Institute of Mediterranean Microbiology in France Host-associated microbial communities: stories of migration
Organiser: Prof. Dr. X. Li Richter
08.10.2024 Dr. Julien Clavel, Université Lyon 1 Modelling phenotypic evolution on phylogenetic trees
Organiser: Prof. Dr. A.-C. Fabre
15.10.2024 Prof. C. Brandon Ogbunu, Yale University Context & constraint in complex biological systems: Lessons from epidemiology
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank
22.10.2024 Dr. Carolin Sommer-Trembo, University of Basel Exploratory behaviour - a key player in evolutionary processes?
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
29.10.2024 Prof. Dr. Jonathan Henshaw, Universität Fribourg Who cares and why? The coevolution of parental care and mating competition
Organiser: IEE junior staff (E. Rees-Baylis)
05.11.2024 Dr. Kin Onn Chan, Kansas University A genomic perspective on cryptic species: Extraordinary hidden diversity or exaggerated taxonomic inflation?
Organiser: Dr. S. Hertwig (NMBE)
12.11.2024 Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur, University Bern, IEE Ecological responses to climate extremes
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank, Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
19.11.2024 Prof. Jelena Pantel, Université de Franche-Comté, Laboratoire Chrono-environnement Models, data, and predictions for eco-evolutionary dynamics in populations, communitities, and metacommunities
Organiser: Prof. Dr. O. Seehausen
26.11.2024 Dr. Fabien Condamine, CNRS & Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier Macroevolutionary history of sharks with fossil and phylogenetic data
Organiser: IEE junior staff (Dr. V. Louppe)
03.12.2024 Ass. Prof. Israel Borokini, Montana State University An integration of phylogenetic, geospatial, and ecological data to investigate the drivers of plant diversity and distributions
Organiser: IEE junior staff (Dr. A. Mahulu)
10.12.2024 Prof. Dr. Laurent Excoffier Riding a genetic wave, surfing, and looking backward
Organiser: Prof. Dr. C. Bank, Prof. Dr. C. Peichel
17.12.2024 Exam